Skip MFA binding flow

POST /api/experience/profile/mfa/mfa-skipped

Skip MFA verification binding flow. If the MFA is enabled in the sign-in experience settings and marked as UserControlled, the user can skip the MFA verification binding flow by calling this API.


  • The MFA verification has been successfully skipped.

  • Not supported for the current interaction event. The MFA profile API can only be used in the SignIn or Register interaction.

  • Some MFA factors has already been enabled for the user. The user must verify the MFA before updating the MFA settings.

  • The user has not been identified yet. The mfa-skipped configuration must be associated with a identified user.

  • The MFA verification binding is Mandatory, user can not skip the MFA verification binding flow.

POST /api/experience/profile/mfa/mfa-skipped
curl \
 --request POST 'https://[tenant_id]'