Add a custom domain to the application.

POST /api/applications/{id}/protected-app-metadata/custom-domains

Add a custom domain to the application. You'll need to setup DNS record later.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    The unique identifier of the application.


Body Required

  • domain string Required

    The domain to be added to the application.


  • 201 application/json

    The domain has been added to the application.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • The domain already exists.

  • Exeeded the maximum number of domains allowed or the domain is invalid.

  • Not Implemented

POST /api/applications/{id}/protected-app-metadata/custom-domains
curl \
 -X POST https://[tenant_id]{id}/protected-app-metadata/custom-domains \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"domain":"string"}'
Request examples
  "domain": "string"