Bind MFA verification by verificationId

POST /api/experience/profile/mfa

Bind new MFA verification to the user profile using the verificationId.


Body Required

  • type string Required

    The type of MFA.

    Values are Totp, WebAuthn, or BackupCode.

  • verificationId string Required

    The ID of the MFA verification record.


  • The MFA verification has been successfully added to the user profile.

  • Invalid request.
    - session.verification_failed: The MFA verification record is invalid or not verified.
    - session.mfa.mfa_factor_not_enabled: The MFA factor is not enabled in the sign-in experience settings.
    - session.mfa.pending_info_not_found: The MFA verification record does not have the required information to bind the MFA verification.

  • Forbidden

  • Entity not found.
    - session.identifier_not_found: The user has not been identified yet. The MFA verification can only be added to a identified user.
    - session.verification_session_not_found: The MFA verification record is not found.

  • The MFA verification can not been processed, check error message for more details.
    - user.totp_already_in_use: A TOTP MFA secret is already in use in the current user profile.
    - session.mfa.backup_code_can_not_be_alone: The backup code can not be the only MFA factor in the user profile.

POST /api/experience/profile/mfa
curl \
 --request POST 'https://[tenant_id]' \
 --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
 --data '{"type":"Totp","verificationId":"string"}'
Request examples
  "type": "Totp",
  "verificationId": "string"