Revoke a user's access to an organization for a application.

DELETE /api/applications/{id}/users/{userId}/consent-organizations/{organizationId}

Revoke a user's access to an organization for a application by application id, user id and organization id.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    The unique identifier of the application.

  • userId string Required

    The unique identifier of the user.

  • organizationId string Required

    The unique identifier of the organization.


  • The user's access to the organization is revoked for the application.

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • The application, user or organization is not found.

  • Unprocessable Content

DELETE /api/applications/{id}/users/{userId}/consent-organizations/{organizationId}
curl \
 --request DELETE https://[tenant_id]{id}/users/{userId}/consent-organizations/{organizationId} \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"